Output voltage < 120 V
Output current max. 10 mA
External voltage protection up to 400 V
Operation time > 10 h
Usable pulse width 5 ns up to 5 µs
Dimensions 125 x 210 x 60 mm
Weight approx. 800 g
The Fault Converter enables the location of humidity faults on paired cables. The small unit is a very useful supplement for the SebaKMT reflectometers (for example the Digiflex Com).
Reflectometers supporting the TDF-mode (Time De-pendant Fault) and the IFL-mode (Intermittent Fault Loca-tion) facilitate the location of intermittent humidity faults in connection with the fault converter.
Salient Features:
· Display of the output level by a LED-chain
· Adjustable output level
· Adjustable polarity changing frequency
· For all kinds of reflection measurements
· No crosstalk or influence on the data traffic on adjoin-ing pairs
· Automatic shut off
· Battery monitoring
· Small handheld unit
Method of working:
The Fault Converter injects a direct current into the defective cable. The humidity fault will be changed by electrolysis caused by polarity changes. This effect is visible as a changing reflec-tion on the display of the reflectometer.
The periodical polarity change of the direct current intensifies the effect and simplifies the location of humidity faults. The reflectometer Digiflex Com supports the application with the specially developed TDF-mode (T ime Dependent F ault).