Máy phân tích quang phổ XRF

Máy phân tích quang phổ XRF

 The maXXi5 offers a universal coating thicknes and material analyser at a reasonable price/performance ratio. Intended for customers where in addition to hightest precision ease of use and versatility are important the maxi 5 is the ideal measuring system. Precise, non-destructive measurement is achived in only a few seconds. It is possible to determine no only the thickness bu also the composition of alloy coatings. In addition the maxi 5 can also be used for the analysis of plating solutions.

The voluminous chamber toghether with optimised X-ray beam geometry allows the use of very small collimators. A multiple position collimator changer in conjunction with programmable X-ray tube power enables adaptation foe almost any required application.

A software controlled X-Y-Z sample stage allows automatic measurement sequences. This makes the maxi 5 an ideal tool for the measurement of virtually all metallic coatings.

84(024) 3750 5142
tshops - sieu thi thiet bi cong nghiep

Technical Data

HV Generator

50  kV,  max. 1.2  mA  current,  software  controlled

X-ray tube

Micro  focus   tube, W-target,  Spot   85  µm  x  85  µm,   glass  window

X- ray  power

max. 50 VA,   applications  optimised

Single   collimator

i. e. 0.1  mm  or   0.3  mm  or   0.1  mm  x  0.3  mm

Collimator  changer

Four  positions,  programmable and motorised

Sample  Stage  (Option)

a)   Programmable and motorized  X  300   mm,  Y  250   mm,   Z  180   mm,   Easy  Load,  max. load   5  kg

b)   Programma ble   and   motorized  X  300   mm,  Y  250   mm,   Z  180   mm,   max. load   20  kg

Sample  positioning

Joy  Stick, Point & Shoot, Laser,  Auto- focus

Video  system

Colour  video system, field of   view  2  x  1.5  mm  and   4  x  3  mm


appr ox. 40  x  and   80  x

Radiation  safety

PTB  tested,  totally  fail  safe  system


H  67  cm,   B  60  cm,   D  75  cm, slotted sample chamber

Sample  Chamber

Useable   max. H  35  cm,  W  60  cm,   D  50  cm

Mains  supply

110  V  /  230  V  60  Hz  /  50  Hz


Operation system with WINDOWS 2000 / XP using modern PCTechnology


Evaluation module for coating thickness measurement


Calibration  module  for  fundamental parameter mathematics


Standardless  qualitative  and   quantitative  mater ial   analysis  for   up  to   20  elements


Precise quantitative material analysis for up to  8 elements simultaneously with statistics


Plating  bath analysis

Data-Maste R

Data   base  and statistic soft ware with   long term documentation

Repor t-Master

Software module to  create customised reports

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